Histoire d'eau

Histoire d'eau DIARY - September 2006

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2006: Monday August 28th to Wednesday September 6th.

Auxonne: Monday August 28th:

Auxonne; Napoleon statue.

Auxonne is an old fortress town, controlling the river in Napoleon's day. He was stationed there at one point in the past.

Today however - VERY HEAVY RAIN - ALL DAY! .

When the rain is this heavy there is little productive that you can do, except perhaps to wash the boat. This is exactly what I decided to do. After squirting on some good quality bio-degradable detergent and applying some very vigorous scrubbing to the top decks it was time to "bucket down" the decks (obviously assisted by the heavy rain!) in order to remove the dirt & detergent.

Here is a tip for beginners; "if you have a sliding top-hatch on your boat it is possible, if you hurl water from a bucket with sufficient force straight at the leading-edge of the hatch, to force the water under that leading-edge and into the salon below".

Here is a second tip for beginners; "never leave your computer under the leading-edge of a sliding top-hatch".

After drying-off the computer and doing a couple of rather sophisticated technical tests (i.e. plugging it in and turning it on), and then after calling Australia for further technical assistance (thank you Mark), we determined that the computer is OK, but!!! - there is always a but!; the bulb which illuminates the screen has been shorted by the ingress of water. This apparently will not be difficult to fix when we get back to Australia. Here in France however, I think it will be very difficult. First we'd have to find an Acer agent in the area of (rural) France that we're currently travelling through; then explain the problem and hope that the agent will have the part required (he won't - this is rural France); then wait till the part is ordered and arrives; and then have it fitted. Way too difficult! We have guests coming and we are still travelling.

Dole; The Laptop drama!

An alternative solution, and that proposed by the Australian technical team also working on the problem, is to buy another inexpensive screen here in France and then to have the laptop fixed when we get back to Oz. This is the solution we have opted for (thank you again to Mark and the team!).

Auxonne: Tuesday August 29th:

We went to the Auxonne railway station today and caught the train to Dole where we bought a small cheap LCD television, which is able to double as a PC screen. This is the perfect solution to our problem as it also gives us a TV with which to watch next year's Rugby World Cup (being played here in France). I say "the perfect solution", but subsequently we have discovered one small flaw in our plan. While there are many retailers here who are selling these PC compatible TVs, none it seems has thought to stock the cable that is necessary to connect the two. A small oversight on their part but a gaping whole in our "perfect solution".

I relay this little story to you, not so much because it is a riveting tale, but more by way of explanation for the late delivery of this week's web site.

We arrived back from Dole, TV in hand (but without the necessary connecting cable) only to have it bucket down raining again. My first thought was, "while it's bucketing down rain I could wash the boat!!!" I didn't.

Later in the afternoon we went back to the station to meet Ewen & Rosemary who are staying with us for a few days. They forgot to "bring sunshine" - as instructed, and it continued to rain all day and night.

Pontailler; On the River Saone. Pontailler-sur-Saone: Wednesday August 30th:


We left Auxonne at about 10:00am and headed up river, stopping at Pontailler-sur-Saone. The river along this stretch is very pretty and, bathed in sunshine, is a real joy to travel along. Pontailler; On the River Saone.

Pontailler is a nice little village. It has a couple of shops, a bar, a cafe and restaurant or two, and even an electrical shop (which incidentally sells PC compatible TVs). There is also a computer shop. Neither of the last two establishments carry the VGA cable I need!

St. Jean-de-Losne: Thursday August 31st:

Our plan today was to leave Auxonne at about 8:30am and head back down river, stopping at St. Jean-de-Losne. The weather again had different ideas. Heavy FOG!

Pont-Ailler; A fisherman in the heavy fog on the River Saone.

Fortunately the fog cleared by about 10:30am, and we left then. The day turned out to be another glorious sunny day once the fog cleared and we were moored up and on our way into the town of St. Jean-de-Losne by 4:00pm. We wandered about the town, spoke with Andy (who is building a boat at the yard there), and then had a beer at the cafe overlooking the river. We did try the computer shop for a VGA cable - not stocked!

We ate out that evening - a great night.

Dole: Friday September 1st to Wednesday September 6th:
Dole; Ewen & Rosy - breakfast.

Fog again this morning, but not as thick. It cleared fairly early and we left our mooring and filled our fuel tanks at the St. Jean-de-Losne bunkering station before leaving for Dole. (557 litres of diesel at €1.23/litre)

Dole is one of our favourite places in France. We moor up on the canalised part of the river Doubs, just beneath the spectacular Church which stands on the hill in the centre of the village.

Unfortunately Rosy & Ewen leave us here - they have a walking holiday booked in the Gironde. We will spend a few quiet days here enjoying the town and catching up with people - Don & Patty on ""Maria" are in port, as are Neil & Danny on ""Moonrise" and David & Juliet on "Jubilant". On Friday Michael and Olivia will arrive for a weeks holiday with us.

The weather this year has been bizarre. May - wet; June & July - very hot; August - wet. Perhaps September will be warm and sunny - so far it has been...

By the way - the computer shop in Dole sells VGA cables - unfortunately they were out of stock! They did however agree to order one in for us - it took 3 days to deliver it to the shop but as you can probably guess by the mere fact that I've completed the web site now - it works!.

2006: Thursday September 7th to Saturday September 30th.

Dole: Friday September 8th:

Dole: Kids arrive for their vacation.

Mike & Liv arrived today. They are spending a few days of their vacation with us before heading to the UK and we have been awaiting their arrival with anticipation. It's great to have family aboard again.

Dole: Kids arrive for their vacation.

We decided to celebrate their arrival with a meal at Le Bec Fin. As usual the food and service were exceptional. We wanted to eat there again because this could be the last time we are able to eat at the restaurant while it is situated in Dole. Romuald & Catherine (the owners) have bought a small old chateau just outside of Dole and will be renovating it with a view to moving the restaurant there in 2007. Their new place will, I think, be stunning, but we wanted to have one last meal in Dole before they move.

Rochefort: Saturday September 9th:

Rochefort 2006;  Pic-nic help.

When at the restaurant last night we agreed we'd meet Romuald & Catherine for a late picnic lunch today in Rochefort - after they have finished the lunch sitting in the restaurant. We picked up their daughters Valentine & Lorretta and left Dole about noon, arriving at Rochefort at about 1:30pm. (We had promised the girls we'd give them a ride on the boat earlier in the year but poor weather prevented us, so we were lucky today - the weather was good; perfect for both a cruise and a picnic.

Fortunately, being both French and daughters of a chef, the girls were of great assistance in preparing the food and selecting the wine for lunch. Rochefort.

We stayed overnight in Rochefort (after Romuald, Catherine and the girls went home) - it is a stunning location with cliffs on one side and the river on the other.

St. Jean-de-Losne to Auxonne and Pontailler-sur-Saone and return to Dole:
(Sunday September 10th to Friday September 15th):

Time onboard with the kids.

We have spent the last few days just cruising up the Saone and back to Dole with the kids. A terrific time just catching up with them and what's been going on in Melbourne while we've been away. I think the boat has been a perfect environment for us all to spend some relaxed time together, aided and abetted by some stunning weather.

What was even nicer was the prospect that when we got back to Dole, Pete's sister & brother-in-law would meet us and as there is an overlap with their arrival and the kids departure, we'll have the extended family aboard for a couple of days.

Dole; Deb and Rod arrive. Dole to Auxonne with Deb and Rod:
(Friday September 15th to Tuesday September 19th):

Dole; Deb and Rod in 2006.

We met Deb & Rod at the station and brought them back to the boat. We set up lunch on deck and opened a bottle of Champagne (or two, or three ...) to celebrate their arrival. It was terrific having them there with the kids.

Unfortunately the following day the Liv & Mike had to leave us to continue their holiday in the UK - leaving the more senior members of the group to bid them farewell over another bottle (or two ...) of Champagne...

Our first stop with Deb & Rod was to St. Jean, where we spent the night at the new mooring there. From here we slowly made our way up river to Auxonne.

Auxonne; Deb in 2006. St. Jean-de-Losne; Deb and Rod. St. Jean-de-Losne in 2006.

Auxonne to St. Jean (to winterise the boat):
(Wednesday September 20th to Tuesday September 26th):

Dole; Deb driving in 2006.

We dropped Deb & Rod off in Auxonne after a terrific couple of days. They have caught the train to Paris and then will go on to London and meet Mike & Liv.

Pete and I had one more outing (one that we have been looking forward to). We met up with Romuald & Catherine for a visit to the Jura area - where they were both brought up.

The Jura:
(September 2006):

A visit to The Jura. Romuald & Catherine and the kids picked us up at the quay in Auxonne and took us by car up into the hills in the Jura. This is magnificent countryside and is an area that is close to where we winterize the boat, but an area that we really knew little about. The hills are very steep, with spectacular views out over the valleys. We had lunch a little restaurant in Chateau Chalon that Romuald and Catherine selected and there we were introduced to some really excellent regional food and wine.

After lunch we met up with Catherine's family, who still run a vineyard in the foot-hills. They were picking the grapes when we arrived and so we met them in the vineyard. They are truly lovely people and invited us back for a drink with the group of friends and pickers and showed us around the winery. My only regret is that our French is not better! However good company sometimes transcends the language barrier (particularly if you are savouring the local drop from the vineyard) and we had a great time with them.

Visit to the Jura at Catherine's parents vineyard. Visit to a typical Jura village. Visit to the Jura with Romuald and Catherine and the kids.

After Pete & I were returned to the boat at Auxonne by Romuald & Catherine it was time for us, after a very very good nights sleep, to head back to St. Symphorien to winterise the boat. This year we are not heading straight back to Melbourne, but are meeting up with Deb & Rod in Paris, and from there are taking a vacation in Italy, Prague and Berlin.

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